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6 resultados encontrados tree

Porquê a Cortiça? 18 . out . 2016
Porquê a Cortiça?
A árvore nacional de Portugal

O sobreiro desempenha um papel tão relevante que foi consagrado no final de 2011, por unanimidade da Assembleia da República, a Árvore Nacional de Portugal e está protegido por lei desde o século XIII. É nossa opinião de que poucos símbolos nacionais conseguem ser tão extraordinários como este...

Factos e Curiosidades 18 . out . 2016
Factos e Curiosidades
modules - about oak tree

13 . jan . 2020

The tree's pipeline for moving water and minerals up the tree trunk to the leaves. Sapwood is new wood. As newer rings of sapwood are produced, its inner cells lose their vitality and turn into heartwood.

21 . abr . 2022

The tree's pipeline for moving water and minerals up the tree trunk to the leaves. Sapwood is new wood. As newer rings of sapwood are produced, its inner cells lose their vitality and turn into heartwood.

21 . abr . 2022
The spectrum of benefits introduced by cork

In this industry in particular, we are able to showcase in one single product (flooring) the entire spectrum of benefits introduced by cork, from the core of the bark (smoother) to the outer layer (harder and denser).The development of this raw material starts early in the tree. Cork develops different elements, from t…

21 . abr . 2022
Cork, our raw material

The development of this raw material begins very early in the tree. Cork develops different elements from the denser and harder outer layer to the less dense and more elastic inner layer. The different features of cork allow us to obtain raw material of several types completely different from each other in their shape…


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